
HyperCard Zine

@ https://crime.team/~hypercard/

Personal tilde webpage of ex-Apple dev who is enthusiastic about Hypercard, providing information, links, and hypercard stacks.

HyperProgramming : building interactive programs with HyperCard

@ https://worldcat.org/en/title/1314364072

Book teaching the use and authoring of programs in the hypercard hypertext system. Reference resource for a certain time in hypertext history.

Hypercard stack archive

@ https://archive.org/details/hypercardstacks

Large archive of hypercards along with a browser-based emulator to run them.

Beyond Cyberpunk

@ http://www.streettech.com/bcp/

Hypercard series adapted to the web.


@ http://beyondloom.com/decker/

Web-app inspired by hypercard. Very easy to use and get started with. Also has a C version that runs as a native application.

Pathways and Relationships

@ https://archive.org/details/MacUser8712December1987/page/n163/mode/1up?view=theater

Douglas Adams writing about HyperCard for the Mac User magazine in 1987.

Hypercard website

@ https://hypercard.org/

Website by and for enthusiasts of hypercard, with resources such as the Hypertalk spec.