Hypertext devices

Hypertext device displays

@ https://www.hypertext.download/hypertext-device-displays.html

Displays are one of the most important components of a hypertext device. This is an exploration of this topic.

Hypertext optimised devices

@ https://www.hypertext.download/hypertext-optimised-devices.html

More information on systems and their components that are designed or useful specifically for hypertext.

uLisp Badge

@ http://www.ulisp.com/show?2L0C

Conf badge sized computer with built in screen and keyboard running uLisp.


@ https://wiki.pine64.org/wiki/Main_Page

Community-driven low-cost computing devices, including RISC-V. Very much open source. Can be used to supply client and server computing systems.


@ https://hackaday.io/project/184340-potatop

A LISP-programmable laptop with battery life measured in years.


@ https://www.tindie.com/

DIY hardware marketplace