Hypertext papers

A hypertext system for UNIX

@ https://www.usenix.org/legacy/publications/compsystems/1989/win_brown.pdf

History and design for a UNIX-based hypertext system.

Authoring a hypertext UNIX help manual

@ https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/259526.259561

Examination of a design for hypertext-based documentation.


@ https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-822/MK.pdf

Programmable and Customizable Meme Media Objects in a Knowledge Federation Framework Environment on the Web.

New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia

@ https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/tham19/1/1

Journal centered around hypertext and related, with articles in its earliest years from pioneers such as Ted Nelson.

Publications of Steven J. DeRose

@ http://www.derose.net/steve/resume/publications.html

Collection of papers from a hypertext research, providing a useful seed to begin searching with.

Roy Rada's Published Journal Papers

@ https://userpages.umbc.edu/~rada/cv/pubs/jrs.html

Collection of papers from a leading researcher in hypertext, providing a useful seed to begin searching with.

Patrick Grim's publications

@ http://www.pgrim.org/articles/vitanew23.pdf

Collection of papers and other publications from a researcher in computation and information, and its relationship with philosophy.

Eric A. Bier's publications

@ https://dl.acm.org/profile/81100084142

Collection of papers from a leading researcher in the space of user interfaces, especially in regards to the web and documents.

Mark McCahill's publications

@ https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mark-Mccahill

Creator of gopher, researcher in information science.

Kevin Driscoll's publications

@ https://kevindriscoll.info/

Author of Internet history books and lists a collection of related papers.

Transclusions in an HTML-Based Environment

@ http://cit.fer.hr/index.php/CIT/article/view/1601

A proposal for implementing Nelson's transclusions into HTML.

Sketchpad, a man-machine graphical communication system

@ http://images.designworldonline.com.s3.amazonaws.com/CADhistory/Sketchpad_A_Man-Machine_Graphical_Communication_System_Jan63.pdf

Innovative paper by Ivan Sutherland demonstrating a GUI, drawing, Object Oriented, transclusion, etc. Influence Englebart and Kay (who influenced Nelson, and inevitably, Hypertext). Paper was supervised by Claude Shannon and Marvin Minsky.

John McCarthy's publications

@ http://www-formal.stanford.edu/jmc/

Inventor of Lisp, computer time-sharing (Internet pre-cursor), and other things, AI pioneer.

David A. Moon's publications

@ http://users.rcn.com/david-moon/

Co-author of emacs editor, leader of the Common Lisp movement, programming language designer.

Roy Fielding's publications

@ https://roy.gbiv.com/

Author of the HTTP spec, creator of the Apache Web Server projects.