Hypertext philosophy

Deep literacy

@ http://www.deep-literacy.com/

Manifesto by Frode Hegland regarding the use of hypertext to develop knowledge.

How To Become A Hacker

@ http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/hacker-howto.html

Manifesto by Eric Steven Raymond about what it means to be a Hacker and it includes some information on WWW and HTML.

Tools for thought

@ https://maggieappleton.com/tools-for-thought

Essay regarding methods, both current and historical, humans use note-taking to build and manage knowledge. Contains lots of links to very interesting resources.

Digital garden

@ https://joelhooks.com/digital-garden

Essay describing the use of a personal website as a continuously curated garden of knowledge.


@ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grok

Wikipedia entry for the term Grok, which is core to the idea of knowing something deeply and intimately.

Hypertext decentralization

@ https://www.hypertext.download/hypertext-decentralization.html

Information specific to communities, technology, and networks that focus on making hypertext less dependent on centralized infrastructure.

Information science

@ https://www.hypertext.download/information-science.html

Further exploration of information science as a basis for understanding hypertext.

UNIX philosophy

@ https://www.hypertext.download/unix-philosophy.html

Various resources that delve deeper into the UNIX philosophy that underpins much of computing and networking.

Philosophy books relevant to hypertext

@ https://www.hypertext.download/hypertext-philosophy-books.html

Book notes regarding hypertext, computing, and information.


@ http://hyperworlds.org/

Website by Jack Seay with many useful resources regarding hypertext and alternative models of the web. Also lots of opinion pieces about what is wrong with the current web.

Knowledge federation

@ http://knowledgefederation.org/Main_Page

Website by Dino Karabeg (and others?) that provides some synthesis of the ideas of early Internet pioneers and their views on building effective knowledge tools, somewhat criticial of the current web (incl. governance and commercialisation).

Cyberspace, Hypertext, & Critical Theory

@ https://cyberartsweb.org/cpace/cspaceov.html

Research project from early 00's involving University of Singapore, with a collection of theory and resources by George Landow.


@ http://eastgate.com/HypertextNow/

Remarks on the state of hypertext 1996-1999 by Eastgate Systems, founded by Mark Bernstein.

Philosophy communities

@ https://www.hypertext.download/philosophy-communities.html

Links to resources on philosophy groups, many involved with theory related to hypertext and the Internet.