Hypertext works

Victory Garden

@ https://victory-garden2022.com/titlePage.html

A well-known hypertext fictional story centered around the gulf war.


@ https://hypertextbook.com/

General interest hypertext-books and technical hyper-textbooks. Math, physics, cycling, education, media, skepticism, West Africa, and more.

The Wealth of Networks

@ https://cyber.harvard.edu/wealth_of_networks/Main_Page

Editable hypertext book regarding the rise of and impact of the Internet on society.

Hypertext works about coding

@ https://www.hypertext.download/hypertext-works-coding.html

Various websites that utilise hypertext to provide informative coding-related information.

Vision and Reality of Hypertext and Graphical User Interfaces

@ https://mprove.de/visionreality/

Thesis / website as a historical document of hypertext and it's user interfaces.

Rudolf Steiner Archive

@ https://rsarchive.org/

Collection of Rudolf Steiners work completely converted to hypertext.

Culture and empire

@ http://cultureandempire.com/

A semi-fictional collection of writing by Pieter Hintjens regarding the future of the Internet.

The Network State

@ https://thenetworkstate.com/

Book with layered complexity, written in hypertext, about using technology to build new societies called network states.

Explained from first principles

@ https://explained-from-first-principles.com/

A kind of in-between a blog and explorable for technical concepts and scientific theories.